1. Please download the following archive: https://db.tt/N0KXCOnT
2. Copy the 'debug_clockwise' file to the '~Library/Application Support/REAPER/Effects' folder, or the equivalent folder on Windows.
3. WARNING: Turn down audio output levels on your system, as this project will produce pink noise as soon as it it opened. Once the project has opened, you can bring levels softly up to a reasonable level.
4. Open the 'Automation Envelope Interpolation.RPP' project.
This project contains two tracks. Both tracks have a pink noise generator and an instance of the 'debug_clockwise' plugin. Some automation has been written to both tracks.
5. Solo the track called 'Square envelope', play it back while seeing at the interface of the 'Clockwise rotation' plugin at this track.
You will observe that although angle values jump from -180 to 180, or from 180 to -180, there are no noticeable glitches in playback sound and levels as the angle value cross the -180/+180 threshold.
6. Mute the previuous track, and instead solo the 'Linear envelope' track. PLay back while listening and studying the interface of the 'Clockwise rotation' JSFX plugin effect applied to this track.
Result: You'll hear noticable glitches whenever the angle cross the -80/+180 threshold, and you might also see the blue dot in the interface flickering through unrealted values.
This track has the same automation points as the other, but envelope point shape has been set to 'Linear' instead of 'Square'.
The problem arrise because envelope point interpolation from e.g. -175 degrees to +175 degrees travels the long away around the circle, through a number of unrelated values, rather than taking the short route that would cross the -180/180 degree threshold.
Would it be possible to introduce a circular parameter flag when defining parameters in JSFX plugins, so that envelope interpolation will look for the shortest route between two subsequent values, and fold about the parameter range if that is the shortest cyclic distance?
Thanks for considering it.
Cockos Reaper 5.35
Cockos Reaper 5.25 Inch
Cockos Reaper 5.35
Cockos Reaper 5.25 Inch
Cockos Reaper 5.25 X
Zoom H5 and Reaper 5.25 REAPER Compatibility. Hello, I'm using my Zoom H5 as Audio Interface on Reaper 5.25. The problem is that I can't simultaneously, as Multi Track Mode on Zoom, record using the LR Microphones and those two line-channels. REAPER supports Linux on Intel and ARM architectures, and the Windows version works well with WINE. REAPER supports macOS versions from 10.5. to 11 (Big Sur). Some features may require macOS 10.7+. I've been using the beta of REAPER 5 for a few months now and the thing I've been most impressed with is all the new video features. While it's not a complete solution for video work it's more than enough to produce my video tutorials. I've edited about 8 videos in it so far and it's been pretty smooth save for a few minor limitations.